About Us

We love Keeshonden for the same reasons you’re visiting our website today. They’re beautiful, sweet, cheerful companions who bring us joy every day. It breaks our hearts to think of them sad and homeless, lost, or dying in shelters.

We are a 100% volunteer, 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Our dedicated volunteers are passionate Keeshond lovers who devote their time and energy to saving the lives of these wonderful dogs and placing them in loving forever homes. Our volunteers have saved hundreds of Keeshonden! Our work is funded by donations from people like you.

Many of our dogs come from shelters, where they’ve been lost or abandoned. Other dogs come from owners who are unable to care for them due to illness or other life changes. The typical Keeshond is a resilient, optimistic dog who bonds devotedly to a loving new family.

What do we do?

We care for each of our dogs in a comfortable foster home, where they’re treated as members of the family. Living with our dogs keeps our dogs happy while they await their forever homes, and enables our volunteers to evaluate each dog in a home setting and learn about the individual dog’s personality and needs.

We have each dog examined by our veterinarian, tested for heartworms, vaccinated, microchipped, and spayed/neutered before adoption. We also provide appropriate testing and medical treatment on a case-by-case basis, to ensure each dog is as comfortable and healthy as possible.

When you apply to adopt one of our dogs, our adoption process allows us to learn more about you, your home, your experience, lifestyle, and needs. We match our dogs with their new people very carefully. Our goal is for you and your new dog to be happy together!

You can help!

Our adopters join our BARK community. We welcome our adopters to come to events such as our annual BARK-B-Q. Many adopters decide to volunteer and enjoy the camaraderie of our extended “family.” Maybe you’ll become a foster family or help us with transporting dogs, monitoring shelters, or other important activities. Maybe you prefer to donate. There are many ways to help Kees in need! We’re grateful for your support!